showing 1 - 50 of 144 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Human Torch and the Thing Green Valley Publishing? labelminimizeminimize
Law of the West Accolade? labelminimizeminimize
Music Maestro  Springboard Software? labelminimizeminimize
The Amazing Ben Krell Software? labelminimizeminimize
Zabara Chuda ?? labelminimizeminimize
Zack Raindorf Soft? labelminimizeminimize
Zap Add - 2-6 JMH Software of Minnesota? labelminimizeminimize
Zap Add - 5-9 JMH Software of Minnesota? labelminimizeminimize
Bridge 2.0 Dynacomp;Artworx Software1979 labelimageminimize
Checker King Personal Software1980 labelimageminimize
Cribbage Thorn EMI;Creative Computing1980 labelimageminimize
Dominoes Thorn EMI;Creative Computing1980 labelimageminimize
Fastgammon Quality Software1980Re-released October 1986 by Main Street Publishing. labelimageminimize
Gomoku  ArtSci1980 labelimageminimize
Haunted House Creative Computing Software1980 labelimageminimize
Jagdstaffel Discovery Games (4D Interactive Systems)1980 labelimageminimize
Memory Builder: Concentration Program Design1980 labelminimizeminimize
Tank Trap Quality Software1980 labelminimizeminimize
Engineer Softside1980 labelminimizeminimize
Abuse Don't Ask Computer Software1981Not really a game, although listed in game databases. Its like a Eliza simulation but with constant insults from the computer. labelimageminimize
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Thorn EMI1981 labelminimizeminimize
Darts Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
Drac is Back  Syncro1981While not the first game to use any of them them, this has surprising number of features one would expect from a modern RPG. labelimageminimize
European Scene: Jigsaw Puzzles Vol 1  Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
European Scene: Jigsaw Puzzles Vol 2  Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
Fantasyland 2041 A.D. Crystalware1981The largest disk based adventure game in the world (that we know of).
Enter the Hall of Heroes and prepare yourself for the greatest fantasy-role-playing game you will see for years to come. To win you must survive Congoland, Arabia, King Arthur, Captain Nemo, Olympus (a sea voyage), and Dante's Inferno (Hell itself.
In both the Atari and Apple versions it takes up more than 400,000 bytes of memory and uses more than 400 hires screens The winner of the contest described in the manual with this game will receive $1000.00 and a bronze trophy.
We have pushed the award date forward to February 1982 to allow more people to participate in the contest.
$59.95/6 disks
G.F.S. Sorceress Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games)1981 labelimageminimize
Hickory Dickory Dock Thorn EMI1981 labelminimizeminimize
Humpty Dumpty & Jack and Jill  Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
Labyrinth Run Manhattan Software1981 labelminimizeminimize
Las Vegas Poker  Atari1981 labelminimizeminimize
Minotaur Atari Program Exchange1981 labelimageminimize
Moptown Hotel The Learning Company1981 labelminimizeminimize
Mouskattack  Sierra On-Line1981"MouseAttack" is almost universally used to refer to this game despite the actual title being "MouskAttack". Even the original author has been known to say or type "MouseAttack" labelimageminimize
Planet Miners Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games)1981 labelimageminimize
Saigon: The Final Days Adventure International1981 labelimageminimize
Snooker & Billiards  Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
Spelling Bee Games Edu-Ware Services1981 labelminimizeminimize
Super Cubes and Tilt  Thorn EMI1981 labelimageminimize
The Cranston Manor Adventure Artworx Software1981 labelimageminimize
Three D Tic Tac Toe  Adventure International1981 labelimageminimize
Zap TSE1981 labelminimizeminimize
Alvin Dynacomp1982 labelminimizeminimize
Cloudburst DANA (Tensor Technology)19828k cartridge. Rare. labelimageminimize
Computer Baseball Strategy Avalon Hill (4D Interactive Systems)1982 labelimageminimize
Conflict Martech1982The game was mentioned in a ad along with mention of other versions for other platforms. But so far it was not yet found or made public. labelminimizeminimize
Controller Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games)1982 labelimageminimize
Cribbage Atari Program Exchange1982 labelimageminimize
Flying Ace Avalon Hill1982 labelimageminimize
Go Hayden Books1982 labelimageminimize
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